Friday, May 6, 2011

brain dead

My brain is like not functioning right now. I'm trying to recall what all I ate today and add up all the caloires but my brain isn't working. So I shall type it out (and you all will think I'm a fat ass) and hopefully I'll get myself straightened out.
-Special K bar (90)
-Lucky Charms w/ soy milk (180)
-4 oz of chicken with bbq sauce (180)
-mixed veggies (60)
-baked potato thing (200)
-light yogurt (100)
-V8 Splash diet (15)
Grand Total: 825 calories

So I guess the damage isn't as bad as I thought it was. Shouldn't have eaten the yogurt or baked potato though. That would have made it better.
I've accomplished some homework today. That's good. I haven't done much else besides school.
OH!! That reminds me. I took my test today. Guess what I got! *Drumroll please*...........100%!!!!!! Woo-hoooooooooo!!!!! Go me! =D I was super psyched when I found out. Still am pretty psyched in case you couldn't tell. ;)
I can't wait for Tuesday. I think I'm going to buy that sharp something at the store. Yes, that sounds like a plan. Buying the sharp does not necessarily equal using the sharp. I just want it..just in case. Not that I don't already have three (shaving) razor blades. But really, they aren't that sharp. I want something I can barely press down and have my arm just bleed away. Maybe I'll bleed out the insanity like the way they used to back in the old days. It's called blood letting. They actually did that. Crazy shit. Let's see if it works.
I'm a bit out of it right now. I don't know why. I'm kinda tired. No, not kinda. I am tired. I want to sleep. I want to sleep for a long time.
I'm meeting friends tomorrow. Shit. They'll think I'm fat. I'm below 107 but that's not good enough. It's not good enough until I'm 102 (or below). It's not good enough until my BMI is less than 17.5. fucking fat ass.
I should go. I'm rambling. I want to stay. I'm going to go. I think I'll post later..maybe. I don't know. Right, going.

3 words from my listeners:

DietCokePlease said...

Oh please please don't cut. 107 is brilliant!! Well done on 100% Well done, wish I could get the same. xxx

Kari said...

100% you're a rockstar!! I hope you can resist cutting, and you're really very small.

SilentNightmare said...

Congrats on the 100% and tc hun *hugs*

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