Saturday, January 15, 2011

Moggy-I must say that your comment made me chuckle. I like how long it was. ;]
Today wasn't horrible but the thoughts were still there. I weighed in at 110.4. I guess that's good. I lost .6 pounds. So yay? I don't know. I just know I was shocked as hell to see that low of a number on the scale. I thought for sure that I would have gained a zillion pounds thanks to my pancakes. I weighed in again tonight and had gained 2.2 pounds! I don't understand it. I ate less today than I have all week. It's like what the hell? I thought I did good. I didn't binge. I just ate semi-normal, only 675 calories. I thought I was making it. I don't know how I gained that much weight in food. FML.
I played on the computer a bit this morning until my grandparents got up. We ate brunch since it was breakfast for lunch. I helped sweep the house. We went to my little cousin's basketball game. We lost...big time. =( We went to the store to pick up some meds and some other random items. I was looking at the diet pills wishing I could buy some. Then I was looking behind the counter at the pills I would kill for, the pills I would die with. I can legally buy them now. It makes me happy. I don't have to steal the pills from the store like I did all those other times. I can pay for it with my own money because I am 18. Try to stop me now! Oh right. None of those thoughts. I talked some more to Lyn. She has been crappy at responding to my messages though. *tsk tsk* It's cool though. I took a genuinely happy picture of myself. I'm smiling because for once I thought my face/hair looked nice. I shall post it.
Looking at it closer, I realize that I am not pretty. I am UGLY. Sorry for the glare of the sun behind me. God, why did I take that photo?
Yes, well I suppose that is all. Thanks for following me. It's good to have someone listen. =]

2 words from my listeners:

*Broken* said...

You are beautiful and that´s a great pic!
Don´t weight yourself at night, you´ll always weight more at night even if you are fasting, so that´s not real weight, don´t worry
Congrats on the weight loss!

Beth Morey said...

You are totally pretty. Go curly hair and glasses!

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